What’s in it for me?
Whether you are in the Antique or Amusement Photography Business — or if you are interested in the industry — AAPI offers a unique opportunity for Learning, Networking and Professional Advancement. AAPI has two categories for membership, Studio Membership and Vendor Membership.
AAPI is a professional association for photographers who specialize in antique / “old time” photography and vendor businesses who sell to those studios. It is a one-of-a-kind organization with members throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and several other countries. Through a representative voting process, AAPI’s members determine the direction of the association and choose its volunteer leadership from its membership.
Vendor Members AAPI Benefits and Activities for you…
• Access to all Studio members through membership directory, Facebook or other advertising outlets.
• Newsletters and Email Bulletins – AAPI members receive periodic printed and electronic newsletters as well as emails to keep them abreast of the industry trends. Vendor Members get discounts on newsletter advertising
• Free Advertising to all New Studio Members – AAPI Vendors can put a one page flier into the new member packets for free.
• Members Only Section – Once you join AAPI, you will have access to our Members Only section which contains contact information for fellow members, a vendor buying guide, classified advertising, an archive of association newsletters, and a members-helping-members section. Vendors are listed on the Members Only page with links to their website and Facebook page as well as a one page flier.
• Members Only Facebook Forum – Once you join AAPI, you will be invited to join the online Facebook Forum. This is gives you access to all members in “real time”. You can discuss your latest equipment or advertise your new products.
• AAPI’s annual Convention and Trade Show – Discounted Booth Prices. To learn more about our upcoming Convention, click here.
• Volunteer Opportunities – As a Vendor Member, you can be elected to the organization’s Board and have the ability to help shape the association’s direction.