1969 – The first Old Time Photo Studio was opened in Cape Cod by James Richmond.
1974 – Professor Bloodgood published the first known handbook “Everything You Need To Know to Open Your Own Old Time Photo Business”. 500 copies of the 62-page handbook were printed and 499 were sold.
1990 – In November, several studio owners attended the International Association of Amusement Park Attractions Convention in Washington, D.C. Their main purpose was to try to establish a sub-organization within IAAP for old time and amusement photographers. At that time, no organization existed for “Old Time and Amusement Photographers”. After two days in Washington, D.C., it became apparent that IAAPA had no interest in supporting a sub-group. Feeling frustrated the studio owners decided maybe they could start something on their own. Jim Miller, Mike Glasser, John Thompson, Brent Uzzo, Pat and Rene Maples and Sheila Wood met in restaurant in Georgetown to discuss the idea. They decided to contact as many studios and vendors as possible to see how much interest there was.

AAPI’s 1st board meeting in February 1991 at Sams Town in Las Vegas, Nevada. Left to right: Ralph Berlovitz, John Thompson, John Ashley, Brent Uzzo, Jim Miller, Mike Glasser, and Pat Maples. The photo was taken by Quentin Clayton.
1991 – In February, after garnering financial support and sending letters to all the studios they could find, they held their first Convention at Sam’s Town Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. Mike Glasser coordinated the planning of the Convention. Jim and Shirley Miller sent out the letters. They had 75 studio attendees and 7 vendors. It was a huge success and everyone agreed that an association should be started. Antique & Amusement Photographers International was born.
1991 – The first Board of Directors – President Jim Miller, Vice-President Brent Uzzo, Treasurer Mike Glasser, and Secretary John Thompson. Board members included Ralph Berlovitz, Quentin Clayton, Paul Gunn, Renee Maples, John Bloomer, John Callan (Polaroid), Ed Knapp (AGFA), John Ashley and Bill Dailey.
1992 – In October, the first Newsletter was published.
1993 – The AAPI By-laws were adopted and the organization was incorporated.
1993 – The first AAPI Photo Contest was held. The Best in Show went to Susan Storch with The Imagery in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.
1998 – William & Joan Dailey with Western Photo Mount win the first Martin & Bertha Glaser Award (AAPI’s highest honor bestowed annually on a member who has given years of dedicated service to AAPI and the Old Time Photo industry).
2000 – AAPI Celebrates 10 years with “A New Frontier” theme.
2011 – AAPI design new logo and celebrates its 21st Birthday!
2015 – AAPI celebrates its 25th Birthday.