AAPI Committees21 April,2015Susan Crutchfield
AAPI 2025 – 2026 Committees
If you have a question or suggestion for an AAPI Committee, you may use the following links to send an email to AAPI Headquarters. Your email will be forwarded to the membership chair for a response. We invite you to get involved in the association by joining one of our volunteer committees…
Convention Committee – Chair Nikki Hodge & Nikki Alexander
The Convention Committee plans presentations and events for the annual convention and trade show. The committee encourages you to fill out your Convention & Trade Show Evaluation Form to help shape future events.
Communication Committee – Chair Jeff Mulvihill, Jr.
The Communication Committee oversees the AAPI Flash newsletter, Facebook, the website, and the online forum.
Financial Committee – Chair Aaron Jorgenson
The Financial Committee oversees the financials and plans the budget for the following year.
Membership Committee – Chair Abby Harrison
Join the Membership Committee and help AAPI grow! Please consider volunteering your time to assist this committee.
Nominating Committee – Chair Scott Henry
The Nominating Committee coordinates AAPI elections and finds qualified members to be AAPI Officers and Directors.
Other Committees and Task Force (Non-Standing):
Member Services Committee – Chair Rachael Zuleger
The Member Services Committee coordinates AAPI member benefits and recognizes service to the association through service plaques.
Photo Contest Committee – Co Chairs Scott Henry and Jeff Mulvihill, Jr.
The Photo Contest Committee coordinates the annual contest, including writing the rules and on-site logistics of running the event.
Master Photographer Committee – Chair Derrick Gillikin
The Master Photographer Program Committee oversees the Master Photographer Program, which aims to recognize photographic excellence and service to AAPI.
Sponsorship Committee – Chair Val Martin
The Sponsorship Committee offers members the chance to support the association’s sponsored convention activities and programs.
Silent Auction Committee – Chair Val Martin
The Silent Auction Committee oversees the Silent Auction at the Convention from collecting the donated items to inventory and set up.