Antique & Amusement Photographers International will be celebrating our 30th Anniversary…
With a “Hooray for AAPIWOOD” old style Hollywood Glamour for the theme of our 2020 Convention & Trade Show which is set for January 28 – 30th, 2020.
The 2020 Convention & Trade Show will be packed with lots of great information for you and your studio as well as lots of fun looking back over the past 30 years. Make plans to join us.
To book your room, call 800-675-3267 and use the discount code of Antique & Amusement Photographers International. You can also book online at (use the A0AAC01 code online). You must book your room before December 28, 2019 to receive the full AAPI discount rate.
Convention Registration is $224.00 per person up to 3 (after 3 it is $198.00)…. For Convention Registration… Click Here.